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Understanding EMDR in Christian Counseling: A Simple Guide

Aug 27

2 min read




At Sacred Serenity Counseling, we offer a unique approach to healing that combines faith-based principles with effective therapeutic methods. One of the techniques we use is EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), a powerful tool that helps people heal from past traumas and emotional pain.


What is EMDR?


EMDR is a therapy that helps your brain process and heal from difficult experiences. Think of it like this: when you get a physical wound, your body works to heal it. Sometimes, though, a wound doesn't heal properly, and you need extra help. EMDR is like that extra help, but for emotional and mental wounds.


The 8-Prong Approach


EMDR therapy involves eight phases, or "prongs," that guide you through the healing process:


1. History-Taking: First, your therapist will learn about your history and what has been troubling you. This helps them understand your needs and tailor the therapy to you.


2. Preparation: In this phase, you'll learn about EMDR and what to expect. Your therapist will also teach you some coping strategies to help you manage any emotions that come up during therapy.


3. Assessment: Here, you'll work with your therapist to identify specific memories or issues that need healing. You’ll also explore the thoughts and feelings associated with those memories.


4. Desensitization: This is where the actual "processing" happens. You'll focus on a troubling memory while following your therapist's guidance, such as moving your eyes in a certain way. This helps your brain reprocess the memory and reduce its emotional impact.


5. Installation: After processing, your therapist will help you focus on positive beliefs or feelings to replace the negative ones that used to be tied to the memory.


6. Body Scan: Your therapist will check if the memory still causes any physical discomfort. If it does, more processing might be needed.


7. Closure: Each session ends with closure to ensure you're feeling stable and calm before you leave. Your therapist will use the coping strategies you learned in the preparation phase to help with this.


8. Reevaluation: At the start of each new session, your therapist will check on your progress. They’ll see how you’re feeling and determine if more work is needed or if you're ready to move on.


How Does Faith Fit In?


At Sacred Serenity Counseling, we incorporate Christian principles into EMDR therapy. We believe that God’s healing power works through therapy, guiding you to find peace and restoration. We may incorporate prayer, Scripture, and other spiritual practices into your sessions, always respecting your comfort and beliefs.


Final Thoughts


EMDR can be a life-changing experience, helping you move past what has been holding you back. At Sacred Serenity Counseling, we are here to support you on your journey to healing, offering both professional therapy and spiritual guidance. If you feel that EMDR could be right for you, or if you want to learn more, don't hesitate to reach out. We’re here to walk with you every step of the way.



Contact Us

Tanya S. Walker, LPC, NCC, CAC, CTP

Sacred Serenity Counseling LLC

Phone: (256) 634-6729




#ChristianCounseling #EMDRTherapy #FaithAndHealing #TraumaRecovery #SpiritualHealing #SacredSerenityCounselingLLC #MentalHealthMatters #HealingJourney #ChristianTherapist #EMDRExplained

Aug 27

2 min read





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